Day 8
So when I initiated this blog, I intended to tell the complete perspective of a lower body lift from a man's point of view, and that's exactly what I intend to do. I know some of the things I post here are probably not PC, but I think I know how a man thinks and what he thinks about. So I'm going to tell you everything I am experiencing.
For the past couple of days, the nurses here have only been changing my drains once a day. I would say when I first got the procedure, I was draining at least 300cc of fluid a day (mostly blood). For the past couple of days, that had decreased to about 120cc (mostly yellow fluid and fat -- it's gross, chunks of fat come out, mixed with some red and yellow liquid). I had been on blood thinners for the first five or six days after surgery, so that was helping with the clots, but early on there had been some blood clots coming out of the drain too (a good thing). Well, today I had 155cc of fluid. So the discharge increased since the past couple of days. The nurses tell me that doctors sometimes don't like to remove the drains until that drainage is down to about 30cc a day. Apparently, I was told by a nurse down here, men heal from the surgery much slower than women do, and she knew of a man who had the drains in for a month. A month! I am going back to the doctor in 3 days and I just don't think they will take the drains out.
So, what does that mean? If that's what happens, that means that Wednesday morning, I will be traveling back to NYC with the drain still in. It is very uncomfortable. It pulls, pinches and pokes my groin. The nurses have been putting antibiotic ointment on one of the drains (I have 2 tubes coming out of me) as it has been a little red. Also, what it means is that I'm severely depressed.
I don't think a lot of people talk about the depression post-surgery. I am full of regret. I have nothing to do. It hurts. It's uncomfortable. I'm literally cut apart and it's healing slower than I expected. All of this has led me to cry pretty much daily. I know it's only temporary, but it's terribly upsetting. If you feel this, just know you are not weird or alone. It's very upsetting, especially since I keep thinking that the entire surgery was at my choice. It wasn't something that was necessary. I subjected myself to it because I was unhappy with myself and now I have to face the consequences. I'm sad, and lonely, and uncomfortable, and can't do anything for myself, and now I have a feeling these drains aren't coming out any time soon. Hang in there with me!
Also, I found that no one ever has discussed masturbation after having a lower body lift surgery. Now, let me clarify, I'm not talking sex with someone else. I am not horny really. I am too uncomfortable and there has been too much of a shock to my system for me to be really horny. But yesterday I masturbated. I did it as more of an experiment to see if it hurt, as I was concerned the orgasm or spasms from ejaculating would hurt the muscles somehow. It doesn't! It was 7 days after surgery and there was no pain. I did it again today. I should mention that my urethra is slightly sore from the catheter they put in me still over a week later, but all in all, it's not impossible and it does not hurt to orgasm. And it gives me something to do. Just watch out for those drainage tubes and don't go at it too hard.
It's still horribly uncomfortable to sleep at night. They put a foam pad on the top of my bed to hopefully make it softer...we will see. But I really do notice every day things are a little easier. For instance, today getting up and sitting down is easier than I expected. Yesterday when I got up, for about 5 seconds my abdomen would burn. Like...burn. Not so much on the incision (the incision has not been giving me problems), but rather where the doctor did lipo on my abdomen. The burn would go away, but it really hurt as soon as I would move. Today that's not really happening.
Keep your compression garment on as much as you can except to shower, dry yourself, rebandage yourself and put the garment back on. The doctor created an empty space when he removed the fat from between the muscle and skin, and the skin now needs to attach to the muscle, which the garment helps. You don't want the skin to just sag. So make the garment tight as can be, but tight as can comfortably be. You don't want your internal organs to be ground together.
That's all for now. I have dinner in about an hour. Maybe I'll post later if I think of anything.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Well it's been a week since my surgery and I realized I hadn't posted anything. Peter just left for the US (I sent him back early...he needs to get back to his normal life), while I stay here in Costa Rica another 5 days or so.
I'll pick up where I left off. The day after my surgery.. During the day was fine. I slept on and off mostly, ate lunch and dinner in bed, didn't get up much. The nurse taught us how to rock me up to get out of bed. Basically like a second person laying down a baby....I put my hands behind your neck and you put your hands around me and on my upper back and sort of rock up (to get up) and rock back (to lay down). It's difficult to do both at this point. Sleeping this night was the worst night ever. I had severe lower and upper back pain the entire night and could not get comfortable. You cannot lay on your stomach, and really can't lay on your sides. You can only lay on your back. The next day the nurse and I discovered the lipo incision holes on my lower back that were not really covered by any padding and that was what was causing the pain. Since then, sleeping has still been difficult, but better, especially with some padding back there.
Sunday morning I took a shower for the first time. This was an experience. By "I took a shower", I mean the nurse gave me a shower. They put a chair for me in the shower and she took off all of my bandages. Half laying/half sitting naked in bed, I was really struggling to get up, mostly because it was all sinking in. Finally the anesthesia had worn off totally and I was in reality...I had actually done this terrible, horrible thing to myself. So I was really dizzy, lightheaded, etc. She kept rubbing alcohol on my neck....she said she didn't know why it seemed to help, but it seemed to help people. Perhaps it did. Anyway, I decided to be a big boy and get up and sit in the shower, where she washed me (I washed my own junk as best as I could). Got out, dried off, she blow dried my incisions, bandaged me back up, put the girdle back on and that was that. It was exhausting. I think I laid in bed for at least 2 hours after that.
I can't stress enough how uncomfortable I was. There's no position to get comfortable in at this point. And the drains (two little tubes that come out of your groin about an inch above your penis) are extremely uncomfortable, pinch and pull the skin often and just make life generally irritating. But they are necessary. The two tubes feed into one, which feeds into a canister that I wear around my waist. The nurse empties the canister twice a day. Keep track of not only how much fluid but also the color of the fluid. It starts out bloody red, but will eventually get more and more yellow as time goes on. At this point, I was putting out about 150cc of fluid twice a day for the first couple of days. If you have a weak stomach at all (which I usually do, but it hasn't bothered me for some reason), the stuff that comes out of you is disgusting. It's a mixture of blood, blood clots, stringy things, other fluid and fat.
The rest of Sunday was relatively uneventful, though I think we may have gone downstairs to eat at least one meal instead of eating in bed, because the nurse wanted me up and walking around a bit. Sunday night was a better sleeping night.
Monday I did not shower because I had a doctor's appointment at 10am. We ate breakfast, then left for the doctor. They washed all of my incisions, the doctor looked at me and said that everything was looking really good, then they bandaged me back up and sent me back here. Monday was a boring day. Also, the antibiotics were really messing up my stomach (take them after you eat a full meal; it got a lot better once I figured that out). I also started itching today like crazy, and not able to scratch anything. Ugh. It didn't matter all that much because most of my midsection is completely numb (and apparently will be for months, if not a year -- if it ever comes back).
Tuesday I sort of hit the wall and freaked out. Please take note: occasionally you will lose your shit and wonder what the hell you did to yourself. Don't panic, it happens to everyone from what I can tell. Tuesday evening was like that for me. No longer was I extremely tired (for the first several days you will just be tired and sleep most of the time), so I had a terrible time falling asleep. I sat on the bed at about 8:30pm on Tuesday evening and asked Peter what the hell I had done to myself. Why was I so stupid to do this mutilation to myself? This was all a big mistake. I grabbed a book and went downstairs where another lady who had a breast augmentation, eye lift and tummy tuck was sitting. We ended up chatting and I told her why I had the surgery done and she shared some of her stories. She also had undergone surgery on the same day as me, so we were at the same point emotionally. It was nice to talk to someone in the same boat as me, and I think we cheered each other up. I think I was the last person up that night in the inn as I read and looked out over the dark city.
Wednesday I was in better spirits. I decided that I would do some work to pass the time, as I literally can't just sit here doing nothing anymore. I took some online classes for work and responded to a few emails, blah blah. It made the day go by somehow. Other than that, Wednesday was uneventful. By now, the itching has mainly stopped, though I get really weird pangs of either itch, or pinches or something randomly over my body, not even particularly where the incisions are. Actually, where the incisions are for the most part I don't feel anything. The weird feelings are occurring where they did lipo...I think it's the skin reattaching itself to my body, so I'm chalking it up to a healing thing, but it feels very very weird. Also, on Wednesday I was pretty much able to take a shower on my own, though I did still need the seat for most of it.
Yesterday (Thursday) I went back to the doctor, so no shower. My routine is pretty standard now...We wake up, go down and eat breakfast, take my pill cocktail (anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, iron supplement, plus any normal medicine I always take), the nurse comes in and takes my dressings off, I take a shower (except when I go to the doctor because they wash me there), she rebandages me up, empties my drains and puts the girdle back on me. So Thursday morning I went back to the doctor. Not much happened. They cleaned me, told me that the incisions looked great and were healing from what they could tell perfectly, and the nurse took out 2 little stiches on my upper belly that were lipo holes...PROGRESS. The drains are going to stay in until Tuesday (11 days total). Sent me back to the inn. The rest of the day was very boring (sense a theme here?). My drainage is down to about 110cc over the course of an entire day (much better than the 300cc I started with). I think the doctor wants that significantly lower before taking the drains out (around 30cc), but the color has turned to mostly yellow.
I will have to say this, every day is getting easier to get around. The tightness of the girdle can really make or break your day, so if you find yourself feeling not good (i.e., you feel gassy or have indigestion), it may just be the tightness of the girdle. It should be very tight, but loosen it slightly. It gets hard to breathe otherwise, and squeezes your organs and can make you feel ill and out of energy. So just loosen it a little bit and you will probably feel better. I can also get in and out of bed totally by myself now, though it still hurts if I move too quickly or twist the wrong day.
I'm not going to post any pics yet, mainly because I don't have any. I'll probably post more later today, but this post is too long already!
I'll pick up where I left off. The day after my surgery.. During the day was fine. I slept on and off mostly, ate lunch and dinner in bed, didn't get up much. The nurse taught us how to rock me up to get out of bed. Basically like a second person laying down a baby....I put my hands behind your neck and you put your hands around me and on my upper back and sort of rock up (to get up) and rock back (to lay down). It's difficult to do both at this point. Sleeping this night was the worst night ever. I had severe lower and upper back pain the entire night and could not get comfortable. You cannot lay on your stomach, and really can't lay on your sides. You can only lay on your back. The next day the nurse and I discovered the lipo incision holes on my lower back that were not really covered by any padding and that was what was causing the pain. Since then, sleeping has still been difficult, but better, especially with some padding back there.
Sunday morning I took a shower for the first time. This was an experience. By "I took a shower", I mean the nurse gave me a shower. They put a chair for me in the shower and she took off all of my bandages. Half laying/half sitting naked in bed, I was really struggling to get up, mostly because it was all sinking in. Finally the anesthesia had worn off totally and I was in reality...I had actually done this terrible, horrible thing to myself. So I was really dizzy, lightheaded, etc. She kept rubbing alcohol on my neck....she said she didn't know why it seemed to help, but it seemed to help people. Perhaps it did. Anyway, I decided to be a big boy and get up and sit in the shower, where she washed me (I washed my own junk as best as I could). Got out, dried off, she blow dried my incisions, bandaged me back up, put the girdle back on and that was that. It was exhausting. I think I laid in bed for at least 2 hours after that.
I can't stress enough how uncomfortable I was. There's no position to get comfortable in at this point. And the drains (two little tubes that come out of your groin about an inch above your penis) are extremely uncomfortable, pinch and pull the skin often and just make life generally irritating. But they are necessary. The two tubes feed into one, which feeds into a canister that I wear around my waist. The nurse empties the canister twice a day. Keep track of not only how much fluid but also the color of the fluid. It starts out bloody red, but will eventually get more and more yellow as time goes on. At this point, I was putting out about 150cc of fluid twice a day for the first couple of days. If you have a weak stomach at all (which I usually do, but it hasn't bothered me for some reason), the stuff that comes out of you is disgusting. It's a mixture of blood, blood clots, stringy things, other fluid and fat.
The rest of Sunday was relatively uneventful, though I think we may have gone downstairs to eat at least one meal instead of eating in bed, because the nurse wanted me up and walking around a bit. Sunday night was a better sleeping night.
Monday I did not shower because I had a doctor's appointment at 10am. We ate breakfast, then left for the doctor. They washed all of my incisions, the doctor looked at me and said that everything was looking really good, then they bandaged me back up and sent me back here. Monday was a boring day. Also, the antibiotics were really messing up my stomach (take them after you eat a full meal; it got a lot better once I figured that out). I also started itching today like crazy, and not able to scratch anything. Ugh. It didn't matter all that much because most of my midsection is completely numb (and apparently will be for months, if not a year -- if it ever comes back).
Tuesday I sort of hit the wall and freaked out. Please take note: occasionally you will lose your shit and wonder what the hell you did to yourself. Don't panic, it happens to everyone from what I can tell. Tuesday evening was like that for me. No longer was I extremely tired (for the first several days you will just be tired and sleep most of the time), so I had a terrible time falling asleep. I sat on the bed at about 8:30pm on Tuesday evening and asked Peter what the hell I had done to myself. Why was I so stupid to do this mutilation to myself? This was all a big mistake. I grabbed a book and went downstairs where another lady who had a breast augmentation, eye lift and tummy tuck was sitting. We ended up chatting and I told her why I had the surgery done and she shared some of her stories. She also had undergone surgery on the same day as me, so we were at the same point emotionally. It was nice to talk to someone in the same boat as me, and I think we cheered each other up. I think I was the last person up that night in the inn as I read and looked out over the dark city.
Wednesday I was in better spirits. I decided that I would do some work to pass the time, as I literally can't just sit here doing nothing anymore. I took some online classes for work and responded to a few emails, blah blah. It made the day go by somehow. Other than that, Wednesday was uneventful. By now, the itching has mainly stopped, though I get really weird pangs of either itch, or pinches or something randomly over my body, not even particularly where the incisions are. Actually, where the incisions are for the most part I don't feel anything. The weird feelings are occurring where they did lipo...I think it's the skin reattaching itself to my body, so I'm chalking it up to a healing thing, but it feels very very weird. Also, on Wednesday I was pretty much able to take a shower on my own, though I did still need the seat for most of it.
Yesterday (Thursday) I went back to the doctor, so no shower. My routine is pretty standard now...We wake up, go down and eat breakfast, take my pill cocktail (anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, iron supplement, plus any normal medicine I always take), the nurse comes in and takes my dressings off, I take a shower (except when I go to the doctor because they wash me there), she rebandages me up, empties my drains and puts the girdle back on me. So Thursday morning I went back to the doctor. Not much happened. They cleaned me, told me that the incisions looked great and were healing from what they could tell perfectly, and the nurse took out 2 little stiches on my upper belly that were lipo holes...PROGRESS. The drains are going to stay in until Tuesday (11 days total). Sent me back to the inn. The rest of the day was very boring (sense a theme here?). My drainage is down to about 110cc over the course of an entire day (much better than the 300cc I started with). I think the doctor wants that significantly lower before taking the drains out (around 30cc), but the color has turned to mostly yellow.
I will have to say this, every day is getting easier to get around. The tightness of the girdle can really make or break your day, so if you find yourself feeling not good (i.e., you feel gassy or have indigestion), it may just be the tightness of the girdle. It should be very tight, but loosen it slightly. It gets hard to breathe otherwise, and squeezes your organs and can make you feel ill and out of energy. So just loosen it a little bit and you will probably feel better. I can also get in and out of bed totally by myself now, though it still hurts if I move too quickly or twist the wrong day.
I'm not going to post any pics yet, mainly because I don't have any. I'll probably post more later today, but this post is too long already!
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Well I had my surgery yesterday.
We came down Thursday evening after a busy busy week doing recruiting activities for work and I flew out of the office at about 3:15pm with my bag packed to get to the airport. The flight was fine, got to Costa Rica right on time. The recovery center where im staying was waiting for us at the AirPort and took us to the inn. We slept, and the driver took us at 6:30am yesterday to the clinic.
We spoke with the doctor and decided what we were going to do: a lower body lift plus some lipo on my lower back and upper abdomen. We started surgery at about 8am and I was done around 3:30 or 4pm. It wasn't that scary but I of course was asleep the whole time.
When I woke up i remember being extremely cold. For like 45 mins they had like 5 blankets on me and a heater blowing hot air under the blankets. I was shivering so terribly but the doctor said it was normal. Since it was such a long procedure and the operating room was so cold it was normal. I have to say the first few hours after surgery were terrible. Don't think they won't be if you are considering this type of procedure. It's terrible. There's pain, discomfort (mostly discomfort). A lot of numbness, which I did not expect.
I ended up spending the night at the clinic. The night nurse was great. Peter spent the night too. She made me chicken soup while he went across the street and had a pizza and wine (jealous). Then she gave me some morphine and a sleeping pill and I pretty much slept from 9-6:30am the next morning.
This morning she woke me up and changed my bandages, took out the catheter (this was terribly btw... I can't emphasize that enough.... Painful uncomfortable etc... Just terrible). Then she fed me breakfast (toast and Gatorade... Haha). Then she left and the day team and doctor came in. The doctor looked at the wounds and said they looked really good. Then the nurse bathed me in the bed and put the garter thing back on me. The recovery inn came to get me and they explained everything I needed to do.
I have a nurse here who is taking care of me. We just ate lunch. Now I'm laying in bed. They want me to stay in bed as much today as possible. She said tomorrow she will have me moving around more. I have to say I peed on my own today and it was glorious. I've seen what I look like at least by looking down and it is dramatically different. Like woah. It will be months before the full effects are realized. I'm very swollen and I have lots of fluids in me. The drains are a bit annoying but I'm just hanging out trying to snooze now and then and watching Netflix.
I miss home and my dog but at least my love is here with me being just as bored.
My pill lineup:
I have an antibiotic that I take twice a day (breakfast and dinner)
I have an anti inflammatory / pain pill I take once day
They also gave me tylenol with codeine if the pain or discomfort gets too bad
I have sleeping pills for at night
I have iron supplements I take once a day
They had me stop at a pharmacy and get shots they say are for my circulation. I get one a day for 5-6 more days
And I have to wear these compression socks, which are making me hot.
For the most part im really numb where they did the surgery so it doesn't hurt. It's just uncomfortable
We came down Thursday evening after a busy busy week doing recruiting activities for work and I flew out of the office at about 3:15pm with my bag packed to get to the airport. The flight was fine, got to Costa Rica right on time. The recovery center where im staying was waiting for us at the AirPort and took us to the inn. We slept, and the driver took us at 6:30am yesterday to the clinic.
We spoke with the doctor and decided what we were going to do: a lower body lift plus some lipo on my lower back and upper abdomen. We started surgery at about 8am and I was done around 3:30 or 4pm. It wasn't that scary but I of course was asleep the whole time.
When I woke up i remember being extremely cold. For like 45 mins they had like 5 blankets on me and a heater blowing hot air under the blankets. I was shivering so terribly but the doctor said it was normal. Since it was such a long procedure and the operating room was so cold it was normal. I have to say the first few hours after surgery were terrible. Don't think they won't be if you are considering this type of procedure. It's terrible. There's pain, discomfort (mostly discomfort). A lot of numbness, which I did not expect.
I ended up spending the night at the clinic. The night nurse was great. Peter spent the night too. She made me chicken soup while he went across the street and had a pizza and wine (jealous). Then she gave me some morphine and a sleeping pill and I pretty much slept from 9-6:30am the next morning.
This morning she woke me up and changed my bandages, took out the catheter (this was terribly btw... I can't emphasize that enough.... Painful uncomfortable etc... Just terrible). Then she fed me breakfast (toast and Gatorade... Haha). Then she left and the day team and doctor came in. The doctor looked at the wounds and said they looked really good. Then the nurse bathed me in the bed and put the garter thing back on me. The recovery inn came to get me and they explained everything I needed to do.
I have a nurse here who is taking care of me. We just ate lunch. Now I'm laying in bed. They want me to stay in bed as much today as possible. She said tomorrow she will have me moving around more. I have to say I peed on my own today and it was glorious. I've seen what I look like at least by looking down and it is dramatically different. Like woah. It will be months before the full effects are realized. I'm very swollen and I have lots of fluids in me. The drains are a bit annoying but I'm just hanging out trying to snooze now and then and watching Netflix.
I miss home and my dog but at least my love is here with me being just as bored.
My pill lineup:
I have an antibiotic that I take twice a day (breakfast and dinner)
I have an anti inflammatory / pain pill I take once day
They also gave me tylenol with codeine if the pain or discomfort gets too bad
I have sleeping pills for at night
I have iron supplements I take once a day
They had me stop at a pharmacy and get shots they say are for my circulation. I get one a day for 5-6 more days
And I have to wear these compression socks, which are making me hot.
For the most part im really numb where they did the surgery so it doesn't hurt. It's just uncomfortable
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Leaving for Costa Rica in 8 days. Excited, but nervous. Really nervous. I know I don't want to back out because it's something that I've been thinking about for like 8 years now. But having voluntary surgery like this is just...crazy. Oh well, I guess we all need to be a little crazy now and then.
I've set everything up with my job. I'll be taking 2 weeks off and then likely working from home for at least most of another week, so all in all about 2.5-3 weeks at home / recovering. I am hoping after that time I will be at least mobile, if only slow. Enough for me to get around NYC, at least.
I hope it all goes well. I'm slightly concerned I won't get the exact result I want, but I am trying to balance expectations with reality.
I've set everything up with my job. I'll be taking 2 weeks off and then likely working from home for at least most of another week, so all in all about 2.5-3 weeks at home / recovering. I am hoping after that time I will be at least mobile, if only slow. Enough for me to get around NYC, at least.
I hope it all goes well. I'm slightly concerned I won't get the exact result I want, but I am trying to balance expectations with reality.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Well, it's official! I booked my procedure today: October 10. Just bought my plane ticket too. I was told I need to stay in Costa Rica for 12-15 days after the procedure, so I'm planning on coming back October 22. My boyfriend is going to come with me, but may not stay the entire time as he needs to get back to work, but will probably be there a week or so. Now I just need to figure out how long he'll stay so I can get his ticket. And I need to book a recovery place.
FYI, the procedure is $10,000. The flight is about $450 roundtrip on United direct from Newark (I don't know if I mentioned I live in NYC). Looks like most recovery places are about $140/night for 2 people, which includes all transportation to/from airport and procedures/follow-ups, all meals, internet, direct phone line to the US, etc. All in all, it should be about $13,000. Boy, writing that is a is expensive, but I'm sure it would be a lot more in NYC.
I just hope it's all worth it.
FYI, the procedure is $10,000. The flight is about $450 roundtrip on United direct from Newark (I don't know if I mentioned I live in NYC). Looks like most recovery places are about $140/night for 2 people, which includes all transportation to/from airport and procedures/follow-ups, all meals, internet, direct phone line to the US, etc. All in all, it should be about $13,000. Boy, writing that is a is expensive, but I'm sure it would be a lot more in NYC.
I just hope it's all worth it.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Hi everyone. My name is Matt. In 2005, standing at 6'2", I weighed in at just over 330 pounds. After getting severely depressed and motivating myself to lose weight, I dropped about 90 pounds in 9 months that same year. Since then, I have lost a little more and am at 222 pounds as of today, Aug. 15, 2014, losing in total over 110 pounds. Due to losing such a significant amount of weight in such a short time in 2005, I have a lot of excess fat and skin around my midsection and legs that I have tried for years (like, YEARS) to lose through exercise (P90X, etc.) and better eating (as paleo as possible). But it won't go away.
Finally, I have convinced myself that this skin and fat is not going to go away through exercise, and to be honest, I don't know if I have it in me to change my diet anymore than I have. I love food. I know I'll never be 175 pounds like I probably should. It's just not in my genes and I don't have the desire to be that small. So, I have decided to go ahead and get surgery to remove the excess.
This, of course, was not an easy decision. None of my friends want me to have it. They think I'm ridiculous. But you never (I mean NEVER) should have cosmetic surgery for someone else. I want to do this for me and only me. My boyfriend (we are actually engaged) loves me for me; but, guess what. I don't love me for me. So I need to change it.
I have done extensive research on plastic surgery, tummy tucks, lower body lifts, etc. and there simply is a severe lack of information out there as it relates to men having these procedures. If I see another female tummy tuck before and after picture, I'm going to lose it. So, I've decided to write this blog and take you through my experience, with the hope that I can shed some light on what it means for a man to go through this, my thinking, experience, recovery, etc. I hope I can help other guys out there who are also curious, or are depressed because they hate the way they look and are at a loss for what to do.
My boyfriend and I went to Costa Rica a few months ago and he had a male breast reduction and lipo on his neck, as well as a chin implant. The experience went very well (except for the first 12 hours, which was horribly stressful), and his recovery has been incredible and now looks fantastic. I am planning to return to the same place to have my procedures performed.
I don't know exactly what I will have done. I am starting this today not knowing exactly what I'm getting myself into, but I'm going to blog throughout my experience and hopefully someone will read it. And if not, oh well.
Finally, I have convinced myself that this skin and fat is not going to go away through exercise, and to be honest, I don't know if I have it in me to change my diet anymore than I have. I love food. I know I'll never be 175 pounds like I probably should. It's just not in my genes and I don't have the desire to be that small. So, I have decided to go ahead and get surgery to remove the excess.
This, of course, was not an easy decision. None of my friends want me to have it. They think I'm ridiculous. But you never (I mean NEVER) should have cosmetic surgery for someone else. I want to do this for me and only me. My boyfriend (we are actually engaged) loves me for me; but, guess what. I don't love me for me. So I need to change it.
I have done extensive research on plastic surgery, tummy tucks, lower body lifts, etc. and there simply is a severe lack of information out there as it relates to men having these procedures. If I see another female tummy tuck before and after picture, I'm going to lose it. So, I've decided to write this blog and take you through my experience, with the hope that I can shed some light on what it means for a man to go through this, my thinking, experience, recovery, etc. I hope I can help other guys out there who are also curious, or are depressed because they hate the way they look and are at a loss for what to do.
My boyfriend and I went to Costa Rica a few months ago and he had a male breast reduction and lipo on his neck, as well as a chin implant. The experience went very well (except for the first 12 hours, which was horribly stressful), and his recovery has been incredible and now looks fantastic. I am planning to return to the same place to have my procedures performed.
I don't know exactly what I will have done. I am starting this today not knowing exactly what I'm getting myself into, but I'm going to blog throughout my experience and hopefully someone will read it. And if not, oh well.
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